The 2021 Trinidad and Tobago Civil Society Assessment Survey
The Cropper Foundation (TCF) has been granted a contract by the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services (MSDFS) for the conducting of an assessment of the civil society sector of Trinidad and Tobago, to identify the organisations that comprise the sector, the services they provide, their geographic location and impact areas, their capacities and gaps in services and to determine how the sector can be strengthened to contribute to national development.
This assessment seeks to:
- Better identify which CSOs are working in areas highlighted as priority by the MSDFS;
- Quickly connect with CSOs and CSO networks to mobilise on the ground action;
- Better understand issues that impact CSO resilience and sustainability;
- Identify how CSOs currently engage with the GoRTT and opportunities to increase engagement;
- Identify opportunities to increase the capacity of CSOs providing priority services.
The following survey serves as the primary means of data for the CSO sector assessment. The data collected through this survey will be housed and used by the MSDFS in meeting the outcomes listed above and will only be used by TCF for purposes of the CSO sector assessment.
No CSO or its representative is obligated to complete the survey, but we will appreciate your contribution as a valued member of the CSO sector. Every organisation that completes the survey is eligible to win 1 of 2 Samsung Galaxy tablets!
NOTE: Please answer the questions based on your organisation’s CURRENT situation. For example, if your organisation had 10 full-time staff before the COVID-19 pandemic, but has now reduced to 5 full-time staff, please use 5 when asked about number of staff.
On average, the survey will take fifteen (15) minutes to complete. If you are having any issues completing the survey, please email us at: