SAFE Food Challenge – Film It to Win It!

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The Cropper Foundation and partners are excited to announce the SAFE Food Challenge that anyone living in Trinidad and Tobago can join because food safety is everyone’s business. This challenge was launched for World Food Safety Day 2021, under the theme of this year’s celebrations – “SAFE Food Now for a Healthy Tomorrow”.

The challenge is simple: Get creative at home by filming and submitting a public awareness video that promotes SAFE Food shopping habits to consumers in Trinidad and Tobago, in one minute or less. The best submissions stand to win prizes!

Participant Eligibility

This challenge is targeted at individuals 12 years and older who reside in Trinidad and Tobago. Credits for teamwork will be highlighted upon request; however, all awards are issued on an individual basis.

Challenge Timeline

The competition launched on World Food Safety Day, June 7, 2021, and participants’ videos must be submitted no later than 4:00 pm on Monday August 9th, 2021.

Win Prizes

A jury of local SAFE Food stakeholders will shortlist the top TEN (10) submissions. These videos will then be posted to The Cropper Foundation’s social media pages – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter – for consideration by the general public.

All shortlisted participants will receive a SAFE Food goodie bag and a chance at the TWO (2) grand prizes:

  • SAFE Food Challenge – Best Advocacy Award: $5,000 TTD + SAFE Food Goodie Bag
  • SAFE Food Challenge – People’s Choice Award: $5,000 TTD + SAFE Food Goodie Bag

Both SAFE Food Challenge winners will be announced on Wednesday, August 18, 2021 @ 2 pm.

Task Requirements

In keeping with national COVID-19 guidelines, participants are required to film from the safety of their homes, using whatever equipment is available to them. This can include smartphones, tablets, go-pros, DSLRs or any other device that can record HD footage.

Participants are encouraged to be creative and original in their approach to getting the SAFE Food message across. Comedic sketches; infomercials; spoken word performances; song and dance; product demonstrations: all of these are welcome and more.

Filming in grocery stores or markets is strictly prohibited and mask wearing with appropriate distancing is required where two or more persons appear together in one scene.

The effectiveness of your approach and the strength of your message will be considered more strongly than the production value in determining the challenge winners. So whether you’re a pro film director or just a fun person with a phone, the chance of you winning is a real possibility!


SAFE Food Challenge – Best Advocacy Award Criteria

All shortlisted SAFE Food Challenge submissions will be eligible to win the “SAFE Food Challenge – Best Advocacy Award”

For this category, submissions will be judged by the following criteria when presented to the jury.

  • How well the video incorporates our SAFE Food message by highlighting the attributes of each letter in the acronym S.A.F.E. (sustainable; accountable; factual; eco-friendly)
  • The effectiveness of the public awareness video based on: creativity; approach; and production value.
  • Audience reception based on the type of feedback observed for each video on social media.

SAFE Food Challenge – People’s Choice Award Criteria

All shortlisted SAFE Food Challenge submissions will also be eligible to win the “SAFE Food Challenge – People’s Choice Award”.

For this category, the submission that receives the most likes cumulatively across all THREE (3) The Cropper Foundation social media accounts – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter –  will win (See “Registration and Submission Process” to learn how to submit your video and have a chance at being shortlisted)

In the event that the highest scores received in both categories are by the same participant, the “SAFE Food Challenge – People’s Choice Award” will go to the second highest scoring participant. Both awards will not go to the same participant.

SAFE Food – What We Want to See

Throughout the duration of this competition, The Cropper Foundation and its partners will be running a national public awareness campaign educating consumers on key principles of SAFE Food.

To ensure a successful submission, participants are required to familiarise themselves with the concept of SAFE Food by following The Cropper Foundation’s social media pages – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter – for updates about the SAFE Food campaign. Please click here gain a better understanding of the S.A.F.E. acronym.

Participants doing product demonstrations are strongly advised to invent their own product names, branding and labels so as to avoid creating an endorsement for or an attack against an existing brand.

Video Specifications

To be eligible to participate, videos must meet the following specifications:

– Be 60 seconds or less in length
– Footage must be filmed in HD
– Aspect ratio of 16:9 [Landscape Mode]
– Stock footage is not allowed
– Copyright clearances must be secured for any audio elements or third party photographs that have been included

Registration & Submission Process

1) Upload your video to your Youtube account and name it using the following format: SAFE Food Challenge Submission (Participant Name)

2) Upload the video to Youtube as an “unlisted” video. The image below demonstrates how to do this.

3) Click here to fill out the SAFE Food Challenge submission form or use the link:

4) Copy paste your Youtube link into the submission form and fill out any other information requested in the form.

5) Hit submit and you’re good to go!

– Please address any queries or concerns to

Submission Requirements

–Submissions longer than ONE minute (60 seconds) will not be considered.
–Each participant is limited to submitting one video in the Challenge. Multiple submissions from the same source will be disqualified.

Full Competition Rules, Guidelines and Disclaimer


The SAFE Food Challenge, organised by The Cropper Foundation and partners, will be open for submissions between June 7 and August 9th, 2021.

The organisers aim to promote awareness of SAFE Food principles that should be considered by all consumers in Trinidad and Tobago who frequent grocery, stores, markets and supermarkets.

The SAFE Food Challenge forms part of a national public awareness campaign promoting SAFE Food principles that runs from June 7 to August 31, 2021. The campaign is being implemented under the IDB-Lab funded action “Making Agriculture Profitable and Sustainable”.

The SAFE Food Campaign stakeholders include: The Cropper Foundation; The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), The National Food Safety Coordinating Committee, The National Agricultural Marketing and Development Corporation (NAMDEVCO), Trinidad & Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS), Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture Delegation in Trinidad and Tobago (IICA) and The Caribbean Industrial Research Institute (CARIRI).

The organiser intends to post shortlisted submissions to the SAFE Food Challenge to the social media accounts of The Cropper Foundation.

By entering the SAFE Food Challenge, the participant (hereafter referred to as “Participant”) accepts the following regulations on behalf of him/herself and any members of their household who may also participate.


The SAFE Food Challenge is open to all persons aged 12 and above, resident in Trinidad and Tobago. Persons between 12 and 17 must have parental permission to submit.


The organiser reserves the right to exclude from the contest Participants who have breached the Contest Regulations. Participants who attempt to disrupt the course of or manipulate the contest will also be excluded from participation. Participants whose productions are in breach of national COVID-19 regulations will also be excluded.

Any software to edit video and audio as well as colour correction or special effects is allowed.

The video must be an original production. It may not infringe on the copyright, trademark or other rights of any individual.

Videos must have full clearance for all content, including music.

Copyrighted material is not accepted, unless there is a written permission to do so. The Organiser is not liable for any copyright material unlawfully used.

No extreme violence, or content considered to be racist, sexist, homophobic or religiously intolerant is allowed.


Any format readable by VLC player or Quicktime player is acceptable. MP4 is preferable.


Creativity & Originality: Total 40 Points

  • The concept premise is unique and well presented
  • The information is presented in an interesting and innovative way.
  • The video is fun, entertaining, or thought-provoking

Messaging: Total 35 Points

  • The message is clear and persuasive
  • The message is directly related to the objectives of the SAFE Food campaign
  • There is good educational value in the video

Content: Total 25 points

  • The video uses visuals, sound, acting, direction or other elements to convey a well

crafted message

  • Lighting, sound & cinematography are properly executed
  • The video flows well and is easy to follow


The Participant maintains at all times the rights to his/her video entry. However, he/she grants the organiser the right to present the submitted video, make it publicly available, distribute it and make it available for third party viewing unrestrictedly in terms of location and frequency.

Furthermore, the Participant expressly agrees to his/her video being made public via the The Cropper Foundation’s website, social media accounts, as well as the websites and media channels of our partners. If applicable, the Organiser will refer to or create links to the video in various publications or on the Internet.


By submitting a video, the Participant declares that he/she owns all rights (including all third-party rights) with regard to the submitted video. In the event that one or more persons are clearly recognisable, or sound/music of third parties can be heard in the video, those involved must agree that the video be made public. The respective declaration of consent must be made available if requested by the Organiser.

Should third parties nevertheless assert claims resulting from the infringement of their rights, the Participant declares the Organiser free from all said claims. The person who submits the video is solely responsible for its content (image, sound, data, texts etc.).


 You must seek approval from COTT, or the producer, before using another person’s music. The Participant declares the Organiser free from all responsibilities regarding claims brought forward by COTT and/or other collecting societies in relation to the video created by that Participant.


By participating, the Participant agrees to photographs and recordings being made of his/her person if shortlisted – and those photographs and recordings to be published to Organiser’s website as well as on the Organiser’s social media pages and in other publications. Furthermore, the Participant also agrees to his/her name being published at as well as on the Organiser’s Facebook page and in other publications. The Participant also understands that his/her name may be published in connection with his/her photograph.


The Organiser does not pass on personal data to third parties unless the individual has given his/her explicit consent. The Organiser may pass on data to partners when necessary for the awarding of a prize.


Claims for damages with regard to The SAFE Food Challenge against the Organiser are – to the extent legally permissible – excluded, irrespective of legal grounds unless the Organiser deliberately or grossly neglects its statutory duties.


Should a clause in these regulations be invalid or a legal loophole exist, the validity of the remaining clauses or the regulations as a whole remain unaffected. In the above-mentioned event, the missing or invalid clause shall be replaced by a valid clause that comes closest to the intended sense and purpose of the invalid or missing clause. The Organiser reserves the right to make decisions on all matters unforeseen by these regulations and, in special, vindicated cases, to make exceptions to these regulations.

The laws of Trinidad and Tobago apply.



Event News Press Release